Categorize Your Clothing and Accessories

When a new fashion season begins do you find it hard to decide what items of clothing and accessories to buy? Sorting through the clothes in your wardrobe will make it easier to see what new items of clothing you actually need to create a fashionable look.If you are one of those people who have a closet full of clothes but never have anything to wear, then you definitely need to organize your clothes, shoes and accessories. This is well worth doing and will save you time, money and stress.Organize your clothes, shoes and accessories into categories, this will allow you to see what you actually have. The best way to do this is as follows,

Go through your wardrobe, anything you wear on a regular basis pull out and put in a pile.
Of the items left in your wardrobe sort through them and anything you no longer like, maybe because it doesn’t flatter your figure, or it’s just not you anymore, bin them.
Any items that are left over that you don’t regularly wear but you can’t bring yourself to throw away, put into a bin liner and store them away.
All clothing, shoes and accessories that you wear on a regular basis can then be split into categories of casual wear, work wear and evening/smart wear. Hang these items in your wardrobe in sections, or if you have more than one wardrobe, categorize each wardrobe accordingly.When you look at your work wear, casual wear or evening wear, you will be able to see exactly what you have. This method makes it so much easier to see what new fashion items you need to complete an overall look.With regards to the clothes you have stored away in a bin liner, give it six months and if you haven’t needed any of these items, chances are you never will in the future. If the items are in good condition take them to your favorite charity shop, if not bin them.A great way to save wardrobe space is by splitting your clothing up into summer and winter items. When summer arrives store you winter clothes in a damp proof box in the attic and vice versa when winter arrives.Have fun shopping for those clothing and accessories that will add value and fashion to your wardrobe.

The Introduction Of The Face Recognition System Saudi Arabia

According to news, the Saudi Ministry of Interior is planning to launch an Iris recognition biometric system across Saudi Arabia. This includes plans to cover major places, such as airports, sea and land. The purpose of installing the new systems is to make use of advanced technology for the identification of passengers. In other words, this state-of-the-art system is designed to make sure no intruders can enter a secure area.The National Information Centre of the ministry will be responsible for installing the Iris recognition system. Basically, this system involves the application of mathematical recognition techniques that scan the iris of a person before allowing access to the facility.The National Information Centre will sign a contract with the government in order to import the system and get it installed across Saudi Arabia. Once installed, this system will achieve high efficiency according to International standards. Currently, an invitation has been sent to invite bidders. Apart from this, the terms and conditions are being outlined. Apart from this, the government is also considering the terms and conditions for the installation of these security devices.How does the Face Recognition System Work? Basically, the Iris recognition system is an improved form of the most popular biometric identification that involves scaring fingerprints. Medical science tells us that every person has unique and distinctive eye features. And the good thing is that no two individuals have the same features of iris. As a matter of fact, both of your eyes have different features. Therefore, both of your eyes are unique.The identification of the iris is done via a video camera prior to decoding and storing. As soon as the information is stored in the computer system, it is easy to identify it in milliseconds as soon as a person looks into the camera.Iris identification offers a lot of advantages over other biometric identification systems. First of all, this type of security system for identifying an individual is unique. No matter how old you get, the features of your iris will never change. On the other hand, if you do hard physical work, your fingerprints may change over time, and you may find it difficult to have your fingerprints scanned.Actually, these security systems are based on artificial intelligence. A face recognition system can help replace regular fingerprint identification. Therefore, this system is easier to use and quite hygienic.Apart from this, it is much faster and dependable compared to other biometric systems. These devices will scan your face and verify it in a few seconds. Therefore, there will be no need for employees to use their cards, keys, or badges. Once these facial recognition systems are installed, there will be no misuse of these systems. If you are an employer, these systems will be of greatly useful for you.Features of a Face Recognition System Now let’s take a look at some prominent features of a face recognition system.

Prevents time theft

High efficiency

Handling of temporary employees or workers

Face crop feature for forensic investigation


Multiple face recognition

Higher reliability

And many others

In short, this was a brief introduction to face recognition systems for businesses whether they are small or large.

RN to BSN – Career Benefits and Education Options

The complexities of a changing medical field in technology, advanced information, and facing a growing leadership role among nurses has increased the need for a degree of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing among registered nurses (RN). This higher level of education takes commitment and dedication and in the following article, we will outline how to achieve these goals.Advancing your nursing degree – The difference between RN and BSNBeginning a career in nursing for those who desire an abbreviated education will get an associate’s degree (AD) which usually involves 2-3 years of schooling. A nurse may also follow a diploma program, usually through a hospital, that is also 2-3 years in length before becoming an RN. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Sample Survey, 70% of nurses have AD or diploma level degrees. An RN must also pass all required examinations such as the NCLEX-RN (National Council Licensing Examination for Registered Nurses) before practicing with patient contact.For many nurses looking to advance their careers, a BSN is the natural next step. It is a 4 year program that includes research oriented learning, leadership training, and liberal arts. Many of the students that are enrolled in the BSN program are previous RN’s with associate degrees or diplomas. They are now going back to school with all the hardships involved; financially, time inflexibility, family and other outstanding commitments.The differences between an RN and BSN are not necessarily clear to the patient who is being treated with basic care. A nurse treating a patient won’t be asked, “excuse me, are you a RN or a BSN?” Yet the differences lie within. The education gained, the additional technical training, and the potential advancement are not immediately recognized by the patient. A nurse with a BSN can review research papers, advocate for the patient, work with leaders in the hospital or medical facility with confidence and advanced management skills. A nurse with an RN may have all these abilities, yet a BSN enhances them and increases advancement opportunities.Career Opportunities with a BSNRN’s return to school for a number of reasons, yet many are personal in nature: To become leaders in the nursing industry, advancing their careers, or move to the next level and receive a master’s or doctoral degree.Management-level nursing requires an advanced degree such as a BSN. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, in management, nurses can become anywhere from the assistant head nurse or head nurse, to assistant director, director, and vice president and upwards. Other career opportunities include research, consulting, and teaching. A nurse with a BSN can manage a home health care clinic and ambulatory services, etc. Nurses can also move into the business side of nursing to becoming an manager of an insurance company, pharmaceutical manufacturer, and managed care organization (U.S. Dept. of Labor, 2005).Salary Benefits of advancing a degree from RN to BSNAdvanced nursing degrees create new career opportunities and justify an increased salary. An RN and a BSN will receive the same salary for the same nursing position, but as the BSN moves through the ranks to a higher position, salaries tend to increase. For example, a promotion to a management position of head nurse with a BSN has a higher salary than being the floor nurse with an RN.Education Opportunities and Education CostIn 2004, there were 600 RN to BSN programs in the United States. Many RN’s use the tuition reimbursement from their employer as an incentive to go back for the BSN. There are also accelerated BSN programs for those individuals who already attained bachelor or higher degrees and wish to go into nursing. There are more than 165 of these programs in the United States. These programs are 12 to 18 months in length (U.S. Dept. of Labor, 2005). In choosing the appropriate program, it is necessary to choose whether to work in a classroom setting or study through an online RN to BSN program.The classroom setting has many benefits which include peer contact and live lectures. Sharing experiences with others and learning from other previous like-minded RN’s is a great benefit. The dilemma with classroom education for most nurses is the stringent scheduling and time management needed to attend class and work around an RN’s busy schedule.An online nursing degree course is the other alternative. It is a way for nurses to work while continuing with their education with flexibility around time commitments. The non-clinical portion of the classroom courses are given online and the clinicals are usually arranged at a medical facility near the nurse’s home. There may be timed lectures or the nurses may do lectures at their own time with assignments being sent to the lecturer by fax or mail on designated due dates. Examinations are usually offered online. Many times the online school follows a semester schedule and has a set start and finish date, though this is not true for all schools. To learn more about online RN to BSN programs, refer to your school of choice and learn what that school offers.ConclusionPersonal satisfaction, a qualitative factor that can not be measured or quantified, is what many BSN students say is most important about receiving their advanced degree. Our society is advancing in all areas, with technology and intellectual expertise. The information is available and the prerequisites allow many RN’s to attain an advanced degree; the determining factor is, we must advance as a society and create leaders in all areas of industry. A BSN gives the degree and knowledge and critical leadership skills for an RN to advance in the world of medicine, business, and personal achievement.